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We, Takhteet Survey, Experts in areas of land and Marine Surveying are committed to :

  • Develop a better image in the market by possessing systematic practices.
  • Satisfying the customized needs of the clients by fulfilling their commitments in terms of prompt delivery and quality.
  • Work as a team to achieve effective implementation of the standards and requirement of Construction industries.
  • Train staff and impart knowledge on latest developments in the Construction field.
  • Comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve the Quality Management System by establishing & reviewing quality objectives.

For implementing an efficient quality management system, Takhteet Survey follows a Quality Manual based on the requirements of ISO 9001:20015. The Quality Manual overviews the organization for quality management system and demonstrates the main control mechanisms used in the pursuit of client satisfaction in quality products and services.

Land Surveyors in Dubai

For fulfilling its objectives, Takhteet Survey Engineering’s Quality Management System focuses on

  • Ensuring that the system as mentioned in the manual is effectively implemented, maintained and improved.
  • Initiating actions to prevent occurrences of process/service and system non-conformance.
  • Ensuring internal communication.
  • Providing continuity of the quality management system and its requirements during changing circumstances.
  • Internal auditing to ensure the performance.
  • Training employees in the quality management system requirements and method of compliance.
  • Ensuring the corrective and preventive actions for non-conformities.